

It was a summer of profound joy and sadness. I went to New York twice and visited a lot of art museums. I also went to Seattle, San Francisco, and Boston to visit friends and family.

It was also the summer where I lost my grandfather. Due to China's entry restrictions, I could not attend his funeral, and I still have not been to his grave.

"We have arrived at the age where people begin to pass away." My cousin said. We sat together in her Seattle apartment, and I thought about mortality.

That summer, I found it difficult to make art, but everything I felt compelled to draw was a composition taken out of Matisse paintings. They had so much vibrancy, color, and life. It was through looking at his paintings that I found the strength to keep smiling.

joie de vivre
joie de vivre / acrylic & digital, 2021
people dancing in a circle
dance dance dance / digital, 2021